Random Thoughts from the Weekend

  • Chili’s should really market their tortilla chips and sell them in grocery stores.  I would buy them every time.
  • I’ve wasted 35 years not liking guacamole…I need to make up for lost time.
  • I love a day that I can stay at my house all day…if only I had accomplished something.
  • While I’m sad to see the Olympics be over, I’m super excited for my regular shows to be back on including AMAZING RACE ALL-STARS!!
  • 10 school days until Spring Break!  I think I can…I think I can…

Where have I been?

Where have I been?

Lots of crazy things are happening around here.  Sorry for my absence…I’ll try to keep up better.

Here’s what’s happening in our world:

  • We are fully engrossed in work, school, etc.  Every day is an adventure.
  • Paige is loving 2nd grade and seems to be doing great.
  • Parker is having a ball at preschool.  I keep telling myself that his teacher retiring at the end of the year has nothing to do with him…surely he didn’t break his first teacher did he?  Nah…
  • Blake is making the world more comfortable, one recliner and/or mattress at a time…Go see him and he will have a deal for you!
  • I’ve been traveling through a school year that is different than ever before.  I’m learning how to better manage my time and decide what is truly important.  I’ve also started teaching a night class which has been an adventure in itself.

I’m sure you have missed my crazy kid stories so here is one for you.

Paige and Parker have learned how to tell Siri on our iPhones to call us by a different name.  Yesterday, I learned that Siri was now calling my Dudy Dudy Poopypants.  I’m so proud.

Life’s a party!

P.S.  I’ve decided to start updating my blog instead of Facebook so if you want to keep up with us, you might want to follow the blog.  I won’t post every update.  If you don’t know how to do that, send me a message and I will be happy to help you out.